Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

Color And Beauty And Life

I can hardly believe it, but it’s been five years since we moved to Fayetteville! And at this point, Megan and I have officially lived in Arkansas for the majority of our marriage. What!?

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

The Antihero In You & Me

What’s the difference between glory and shame? What makes a hero, and what makes a villain? Success vs. failure, good vs. bad? Well, it depends on who you’re asking.

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

How High We’ll Go

Recently, I went back to read last year’s newsletter titled ‘Milestones Are Stepping Stones,’ where I shared my one-year business updates. And wow. What a journey, y’all.

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

Something In The Air

As Easter came and went this year, I’ve been wondering: did the resurrected Jesus ever miss his life before? Did he miss being the small town carpenter, followed by no one? Did he wish he could relive the very beginning of his ministry, assembling his team of ragtag disciples?

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

Continue Quietly

I’m in awe of the breathtaking silence of winter. A beautiful pause, a timely reset that nature ushers in. And to be sure, Arkansas is no Colorado - there’s no skiing or snowboarding going on here. Not even snowmen or snowball fights to speak of.

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

Merry Christmas

Wherever you are this holiday season - Merry Christmas! :) I hope you sip the most perfectly rich hot chocolate ever made and laugh harder than you have in a long time this week :). I wish you the very best in 2024, and pray for an abundance of joy and glory and peace over you this year! What an incredible, unexpected journey each of us get to live.

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar


I love seeing my sons’ delight. From silly dancing to opening a present, from tickle-tackling to eating something yummy - I can’t get enough! In the depths of my soul, it feels so good to witness and reminisce upon their moments of joy.

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar


Do you remember the first time you tried to wrap your mind around double negatives in grade school? Just put a minus sign in front of this negative number, and then, voila! Positive!

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

Horizons, Exhale

There is something so nurturing about summer's months. So refreshing. So... Am I right? Perfectly indescribable. Somehow, these cherished moments stay with us with more potency and longevity than even our ongoing daily routines.

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

What Is Risk?

I’m actually feeling very intellectually curious about this question today. Because I’ve heard that “fortune favors the bold,” and yet, so does destruction. I’ve been told that I have a high propensity for risk, and yet, in many ways I am maybe the most risk averse of any of us.

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

Milestones Are Stepping Stones

“POUND THE ROCK, MINI BIAR!” Such was the weekly, bursting encouragement of my calculus teacher in high school. Truthfully, he called me “Mini Mini Biar” - one ‘mini’ for being younger than my brother, and the other to acknowledge my imposing stature ;)

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

Before The Day Breaks

For years, my favorite hours have been those I’ve spent in the dark of morning. I so cherish the moments of conscious stillness and contemplative preparation while everything around me lies asleep.

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

The Ones We Love

Most years, I have stressed about what I should do to celebrate my wife. What gift to give? Where to go? What to do? Not this year! This year, we have ChatGPT for questions like that ;) No, really - I just asked it for 40 valentines gift ideas and one of the suggestions was perfect, haha! Thank you very much!

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

Prioritize Peace

I love the turn of the new year. I love the fresh start, the wondering of what’s ahead, and even the emotional distancing from what lay behind. And as a goal-oriented, planning-oriented person, so often I am swept up in the flood of content fueling my loftiest of ambitions.

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

Finding Win-Wins

I have an honest question.. If you could invest $100 knowing it would make you $2500 within a year or less, would you do it? What about if you could spend $10 with certainty it would turn into $1000?

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

Holiday Giveaway!

It’s our inaugural holiday season over here at The Warehouse, just 315 pallets of inventory later since our beginning 7 months ago. Less than 6 months ago, I penned my first newsletter article. What a journey it’s been!!!

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

The Appearance of Things

I’m not sure if it’s made Webster’s dictionary yet, but by popular demand, our culture has embraced “Instagram vs. Reality.” We playfully acknowledge that the way we choose to present ourselves online is often embellished compared to how we actually feel inside.

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

Where Only Passion Goes

Usually, if we ask the question, “What’s in it for me?,” we’re asking someone else. Perhaps they want something from us - something we wouldn’t be inclined to provide without a reward.

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

True to You

The other night, Megan and I were reading a book to Beckham before he went to bed. It’s called Circus Ship, a story centered around fifteen traveling animals that thanks to a shipwreck escape from their angry owner.

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Jeremy Biar Jeremy Biar

Clarity Amidst Clutter

Perhaps the most unnatural skill I’ve had to learn of late is resisting the urge to clean. Honestly, it pains me in a way to even type those words - that’s how much I love clean!

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