True to You

The other night, Megan and I were reading a book to Beckham before he went to bed. It’s called Circus Ship, a story centered around fifteen traveling animals that thanks to a shipwreck escape from their angry owner. Towards the end of the book, the owner storms off in rage after failing to recapture his animals. We were reading this page when Beckham observed out loud, “He’s so mad..”

Not really understanding that the circus owner was the bad guy, Beckham then offered a proposal of how to help: 

“He should talk to Dada.” 

You wouldn’t know it by watching sweet Beckham play in public, but behind closed doors, he has presented to his Dada a fair share of fits. How special it was to hear his perspective of my parenting during those low moments! Even going so far as referring me to his circus owner friend in need :D 

The coolest part for me as a father is that I know I’m building a very real trust with my boys that will strengthen in the years to come. I can’t imagine how rewarding my relationship with them will feel as they grow into childhood and adulthood! 

Still, as an entrepreneur, I’m pulled by a cultural tug not towards family, but work. The mantra I sense goes something like, “Hate your life for 5-10 years to focus on building your businesses so that you can make it big and live your dreams.” That way of doing things may make for some heroic protagonists, but it has never fit me

The point is not to say I’m a great dad, but that my value for relationships made for an easy decision regarding my work schedule. 

I find that our values help to define the substance of who we are and beautifully color the lens we see the world through. Yes, we’ll make sacrifices today that matter for tomorrow - but I wouldn’t recommend making sacrifices that are in conflict with you.

If you aren’t sure yet what you truly value, think: what do you admire most in others (even movie characters)? What attributes would you most strongly wish to be said about you when you pass away? Once you identify those values, explore their implications & harness them as the superpowers that they are! ;)


Where Only Passion Goes


Clarity Amidst Clutter