Merry Christmas

Wherever you are this holiday season - Merry Christmas! :) I hope you sip the most perfectly rich hot chocolate ever made and laugh harder than you have in a long time this week :). I wish you the very best in 2024, and pray for an abundance of joy and glory and peace over you this year! What an incredible, unexpected journey each of us get to live. 

As I learned in 2002 from my Alan Jackson CD, “Faith, hope, and love are some good things He gave us --- but the greatest is love.” 

That’s also a scripture, but I didn’t know that in 2002 :P I think what I’m trying to say is, give big hugs this Christmas! That’s a currency that inflation can’t touch :)

Much love from the Biar family, and see you in 2024!

P.S. - I’m offering some free services as my gift to you this year :). Merry Christmas!


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