
I love seeing my sons’ delight. From silly dancing to opening a present, from tickle-tackling to eating something yummy - I can’t get enough! In the depths of my soul, it feels so good to witness and reminisce upon their moments of joy. I’ll intentionally crash myself into a wall a thousand times if it means I can hear their laugh once more! :D

Sometimes I wonder how Beckham and Hudson will look back upon their roots. What will they remember? What will they hang onto as adults?  

When I think about my early days, I gravitate towards campfires, sports, holidays with extended family, and plenty of Pokemon, Yugioh, and Mario. :) Later in life, I also began appreciating the generational soil I was planted into: Christian faith, integrity, hard work, and more. 

I’ve been pondering lately about how fun the ‘early days’ feel compared to the long haul: childhood to adult life, startup to profitable business, young believer to spiritual leader, or newlywed to parent.

Oh, how exciting it is to be a seedling! The breaking out and the blooming - surrounded by soft, nutrient-rich dirt, all the sun and moisture we need abundantly in our midst - what could possibly go wrong?? 

Well, everything, of course. Our roots are like 1 inch deep!! 

There is no more vulnerable state than this infancy. No stage more susceptible to threats. And yet, there’s no other time where we possess the blissful ignorance to wonder, “What could possibly go wrong?” 

Getting married as a 20-year-old college student was the easiest decision I ever made! 

[Thankfully, that one has worked out wonderfully :)]

Isn’t it funny though that we feel most invincible during the periods of our lives where we are in most danger - when our roots are the most shallow? 

It’s no coincidence. 

Roots grow as a function of time, and never more so than in seasons of drought, which can send roots many meters deeper in search of water. The result is a root system in position to support a much larger and healthier tree than ever before. 

The more we have endured, the stronger we have likely become. Yet ironically, the stronger we are, the more mortal we feel due to the magnitude of those droughts we’ve suffered.  

I’d never wish a drought upon anyone, but I’d feel sorry for anyone who’s never experienced one. What a weird thing roots are!

I’m cherishing my kids’ precious innocence & young beginnings. 

I’m also grateful that whenever their droughts come, I can show them where to find deeper ground. 

Here’s for the early days. And here’s for the rooted. 


Merry Christmas

