How High We’ll Go

Recently, I went back to read last year’s newsletter titled ‘Milestones Are Stepping Stones,’ where I shared my one-year business updates. And wow. What a journey, y’all. 

The way I described my entrepreneurial experience at that point was, “Emotionally, you can go from rockstar to rock bottom back to rockstar on a seemingly daily basis.” After another year in, I would like to make a correction:

You will go from the absolute King Of Rock to the deepest bedrock pit of despair all the way to Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, and then to the hopeless rubble under his feet. And back. At least monthly - but probably weekly. 

Now that may not sound as catchy, but I feel it is more accurate :)

Internally, I named the back half of 2023 “The Dark Grind Of The Soul.” My businesses had completed their start up phases, and it was time to optimize for cash flow. So I did, to the utter maximum of my ability. 

The only problem was, the cash was still going faster than it was flowing! 

With so much required of me, the results so hidden, and no one to turn to for help … I’m just glad I got through it in one piece!

It was disillusioning and impossible.

Then, in January, a teeny tiny sprout popped up from the very ground that I had begun to fear was barren.


In a way, I felt like how I imagine Noah did when he saw the first drop of rain - 

Oh Lord. It’s happening. It’s really happening. God. You were right. You really spoke. I prepared like I believed you, and I’m *pretty sure* I actually did believe you.. but somehow, I can't believe it! You're really doing it! I'm terrified, relieved, excited, sad, validated, blessed, or maybe cursed, or all of the above! It's happening..

To everyone else, it was one drop of rain. To Noah, it was the beginning of a promise being fulfilled - albeit a difficult one. If there was going to be one single drop, there was going to be a loooootttt more coming, and quick. Noah knew. 

As for my entrepreneurship, it’s not as though the floodgates have totally opened up. But the drops have turned into rain, the winds are picking up speed, and there’s no end in sight. 

For that, I feel immense gratitude and awe. I cried today just thinking about it, reminiscing on the many struggles that it took to get to this point. 

Simultaneously, I am slightly worried if something is masochistically wrong with me, because I'm already dreaming about what I might start next ;). Haha! 

Here's to hoping our journeys ahead are a little kinder to us :)


The Antihero In You & Me


Something In The Air