Finding Win-Wins

I have an honest question.. If you could invest $100 knowing it would make you $2500 within a year or less, would you do it? What about if you could spend $10 with certainty it would turn into $1000? Seriously, would you be inclined to take advantage of that opportunity?

Now of course, nothing in life is literally absolutely 100% certain. But so quickly we jump to “It’s a scam” or “Sounds too good to be true” that we write off an idea before even registering it in our minds. 

Despite the semblance of a get-rich-quick scheme, there are three ways where I believe the above scenario is possible for people, two of which I believe are quite likely. I’ll only mention those two, because we’re keeping it practical in this newsletter! :)

The first is simple: commit to keeping track of your incomes and expenses through BudgetForLife, and watch your behavior change for the better as you grow more in tune with your financial life. 

“Aha! There’s the upsell!” 

Indeed! Isn’t it strange the way we feel when someone gives us advice that would also benefit them? How can we trust the authenticity of their recommendation? 

But if spending $10 on a budget software actually caused you to save $1000 more than you would have otherwise, then ‘the catch’ of a $10 annual fee wouldn’t be a bitter pill at all. That’s the beauty of a true win-win!

Or how about this idea - or for the critics, another upsell ;) - hiring me to work with you directly! I don’t provide value to clients in just a qualitative sense via financial literacy or establishing healthy principles. I go to work for clients so that they can net impactful dollars in the process. The self-development is a bonus! 

Now, some people feel they don’t need a financial advisor. 

And I feel that Tom Brady doesn’t need anyone to teach him how to throw a football. 

Yet, it turns out that Tom Brady does, in fact, hire a throwing coach. Wow! .. Why? 

I would guess that he’s more interested in becoming his best than he is in maintaining 100% of the credit. And for the consensus “Greatest-Of-All-Time” quarterback, it turns out, that was a win. 

And a win. And a win again. And still many more wins. *sigh*

It is my belief that your most realistic 10x opportunity this year is not the performance of your investments, but an investment in you --- your best-performing asset :)

 How will you invest?


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