The Way Forward

It's a fascinating time to be starting a business, even more so a financial advisory. On one hand, I see indexes falling, costs rising, and fears of doom creeping onto America's center stage. "Just my luck!" - I can be tempted to think. "At least I tried!" Well, try I did. And try I do. Because on the other hand, what good am I as a financial advisor unless I can help people navigate financial complexities such as these? 

What an opportunity! I couldn’t ask for a clearer chance to demonstrate my value and differentiate myself from the industry standard. Perhaps this is “just my luck.”

Don't get me wrong - I am feeling the same financial pains that most of us are feeling. Some perhaps more so; I don't want to be brash in that regard. But what is also true is that I am not at all surprised by the macroeconomic state we’ve found ourselves in. 

When I formed BIAR Legacy last year, I did so fully expecting that financial hardship lay looming imminently ahead. I wanted to be available to lead people through it. I wanted more than just myself to benefit from whatever insight or anticipation I may possess. 

So while I take no pleasure in the number of clients I have, how deeply grateful I am for each one, specifically. They are exactly who I’m called to serve, for precisely such a time as this. I’m a lucky man! 

You too, in the weeks and months ahead, will be able to use your gifts and talents to serve someone you love. It’s moving to the rhythm of who you are - not the noise of the hour - and ultimately, that’s the tune that will reverberate throughout your home and your history. 

The rumblings around us are just like elevator music. Only playing because nothing else is playing. Not to drown you out, nor even to be listened to, really - just filling empty space.

The way forward, in my opinion, is learning how to play the drums. What I mean by that is: tapping into those things inside of you that are not threatened or resisted by any economic state, but are central to who you are. 

For me, entrepreneurship is not so much a job as it is genuine personal expression. And I guess that means that no matter how deep or long of a recession we may experience, you’ll find me there, running some businesses :)


Clarity Amidst Clutter


As Seasons Change