As Seasons Change

“This is what calling feels like.”

It was on January 17th, 2021, my heart erupting with dreams and my stomach sinking with fear, as a once-distant thought had grown too loud to ignore. For months, every sign imaginable had been pointing me clearly into the unknown: full-time entrepreneurship.

Was I crazy? I would wonder.

.. These days, I prefer “unique” :)

Because fast forward a year and a half, and those dreams are becoming realities. Ideas that like seeds that have been buried are beginning to break ground, now visible to the outside world. I lead a financial advisory firm. I lease a 5,000 square foot warehouse. I write fancy emails. I pay people to do stuff. I talk a lot. I create stuff, sell stuff, teach stuff. And just like that, I have no idea how to answer the question, “So what do you do?”

What do I ‘do’ ..? I follow my interest and build.

Along the way, I’m gaining experiences and perspectives that I want to share with whoever may be enriched by them. I can’t know whether you’ll find my journey entertaining to follow or if you’ll learn anything you don’t already know, and I am quite sure that reading an email from me every couple of weeks is not the missing link to you becoming wealthy, healthy, and happy. But what I hope to provide, if nothing else, is refreshment.

A ‘deep breath’ sort of moment in your day, one that’s rooted in simple gratitude for life itself and joyful anticipation of what lies ahead.

If you’re more of a pragmatic person, you can expect this newsletter to keep you in the know with my business developments and occasionally award you with a newsletter-exclusive discount or promotion.

A lot of things are happening, and many more are to come. All good things :)

Stay tuned and let’s grow together :)


The Way Forward