Being a member of my coaching group means access to personalized, weekly financial coaching calls led by yours truly, designed intentionally to optimize your action plan, encourage your progress, and accelerate your journey to financial freedom. I teach people how to:

  • save thousands of dollars every year through realistic budgeting and spending techniques

  • earn thousands of more dollars every year in super attainable income growth

  • pocket thousands of even more dollars every year via simple tax strategies

  • maximize your annual investment performance to multiply all of those thousands upon thousands of dollars!

  • All in all, you’ll increase your projected net worth by tens of millions of dollars.

And not only that! You’ll also:

  • feel rejuvenated mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in your relationship with money

  • share in this amazing, encouraging community of people who are all on their stewardship journeys - entrepreneurs, corporate professionals, essential workers, missionaries, students, and side-hustlers alike.

I’m Jeremy Biar, licensed financial advisor at my wholly-owned RIA firm, BIAR Legacy, LLC. I can make the promises of this coaching group with confidence because I have experienced them firsthand, and then some! But don’t take my word for it - take it from those who were once in your very shoes, and have now seen the value of financial coaching for themselves. Testimonials below :)

If you’re ready to start investing in yourself in a way that produces a legitimate ROI, JUMP IN - I’d love to meet you!


Emma Corr

Clayton Fraley

Lucien Nahum-Isaac

Caroline Ransom

Meeting with Jeremy for the last year and a half has freed me from false mindsets I’ve had about money, budgeting, and wealth. Having a dedicated time and space every month to discuss my finances with someone who genuinely cares about me and has professional insight in the field has been a game changer. Despite being a vulnerable experience, as a single woman, I have felt supported, encouraged, and set free to dream about my life and finances again.

Alexandra Donaldson

Financial coaching with Jeremy has helped my wife and I track our expenses, budget our income, maximize our investments, [and more] … and I would definitely highly recommend Jeremy.

Luke Garwood