About Jeremy

Hi, I’m Jeremy Biar. I am a pastor-turned-entrepreneur with a desire to see others improve and invest their lives. 

To be honest, it’s kept me up at night more times than I can remember - “How can I get what’s in me out of me? How can I benefit others with the experiences and perspectives I’m gaining?”

I’ve never had the answer. And truthfully, it’s a weird thought to think. It feels kind of pretentious, like, who am I to assume that I possess something someone else would find helpful? I don’t know.

But I do feel that way. Even with my kids, when they were just a few months old, I would worry: “I only have 18 more years!” to teach them everything I can. Ha!

That gripping conscience (see also: my ADHD) pretty much sums up why I’m here now - to provide some type of spark, some sort of something that somehow helps. 

It compelled me to leave my corporate ambitions for vocational ministry, it’s inspired me in the way I love my wife and kids, it’s directed my financial strategies, and it’s driven me from vocational ministry into entrepreneurship. 

There’s no such thing as a self-made anything, as we are all impacted by the people and environments around us. I am no exception, and so I’m not here to boast in my abilities or efforts. Rather, I am simply here to be one of those impacting your environment for the better. Not just so that you can improve, but so that you can invest your life far beyond where mine could ever go. I’m cheering you on! 

- Jeremy